Well this TUT is decidated to danney. His life sucks bals so ill give him advices on how to improve. Also this guide is for the ppeople like danny.
1. Dont swear that much, do not swear that much like if u see a friend dont say hi bitch. just say somehting like hey, sup. Also normal gurls dont like ppl that swear TOO much a few is fine but if you dont stop doin that gurls wont like ya
2. be friendly to people: dont say fuck off, or fuck you when people when they ask u for something give em sometimes and if for some reasons u dont want/ cant say something like sorry man i cant or something that woont hurt their feelings or make em mad and punch ya
3. this is something danney doenst need to read cuz he has friends, If your a reject, dont just stay in your corner and Swear on how much life sucks. Accept peoples friendship. People wont just come here and become your frriend if you dont do nothin or if yo dont talk to em when they try to engage a conversation with u
4. Do not dishonore yourself too much. A few times can be funny but too much just gets annoying like for danney. Mihai= danny ur cool! danney= no im not! hobos can't be cool<-- no offence
5. Dont go provoking people for notin, be respectul. Example of what not to do Craven= ah jai mal dormi hie soir DAnney= haha ta coucher ak ton frere pis il ta enculer trop fort
craven *punches * danny Danney* punches* craveen back. instead of that just say somethig likr ah ouais comment sa??
if danney folow at least 2~3 of these rulz ppeople will stop hating him that much..